Monday, August 20, 2007

It's Education Week and all I see on campus at 7:30 in the morning are hordes of tourists and old people tottling around, white name badges blazing from their chests, clutching their Jamba Juices and BYU Bookstore bags, and students fleeing for their lives.

My bishop told my parents privately yesterday that he thinks I intimidate the guys because I want to be a cop/Marine/FBI agent.

I think that is ridiculous on so many counts.

1 comment:

Fedaykin said...

Ridiculous or not, irrational as it seems, we men are fragile little creatures. If one of the "weaker" gender has desires to fill gender typed positions of POWER, AUTHORITY and PUNISHMENT, which a male may not have any affinity for, it makes him question his masculinity. He feels inferior because he lacks those inclinations. Men are by divine design action oriented, the protectors, providers, and doers. When a woman seeks to cross over into a man's turf, of neccesity he must rankle and defend. Especially if he himself does not occupy a place there, he may have the idea that someday he will and space is limited. And less subconsciously, I think most husbands don't want to worry about their wives getting shot.