Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"I gave up all my other sinful habits. I'm keeping the Martinelli's."

Title courtesy of my most recent former roommate.

Yesterday, I lived. I am a more expanded person today than I was before yesterday. Yesss. I conquered fears and proved myself to myself. And I learned a lot. And I was suffering from neural overload the entire day. Beautiful. Breaks from outputting to play the sensory receptacle are refreshing.

Today I fulfill another lifelong dream: I buy my own copy of the Riverside Shakespeare. I knew I picked the right class. I feel sorry for all the other classes that are stuck with requirements for inferior collections. We're reading Where Angels Fear to Tread, Frankenstein, and Moonstone in Brit lit. Moonstone! Yay, Wishbone!

I wish I hadn't lost all of my checks. Dangit.


Fedaykin said...

Isn't maritnelli's the appearance of evil? Foil capping, curvy wine bottle shape, etc. Can I drink O'doules? I've always wanted to try that. Glad we could overload your neural circuitry.

DreamPacker said...

I don't know who you are, but you are REALLY much in common with me. I was an English major, a major Horse Lover, and one of my favorite movies is Shakespeare in Love. I almost named one of my children, Sonnet. I love reading your posts! Keep it up.

Sayyadina said...

Super fun with the Lazer Tagging. You rock, Killer Pop Tart. We need to do it again.

Muad'Dib said...

Amen! I love any tag with the name "tart" in it. Bound to be fun. Dreampacker is mi madre of course. see ya...