Monday, October 8, 2007

"Tomorrow Sodom and Gomorrah will crash and burn..."

Title courtesy of my mom. She's teaching seminary again this year. I can't wait to sit in on her lessons again in January. She's the best. Provided things go as planned...I got my new Book of Mormon today. I need to get my Bible from the Distribution Center. The bookstore is poorly stocked.

I've been talking to my friends about conference. Big surprise. We all loved Sis. Beck's talk. And I've discovered a disturbing trend. It doesn't comfort me to know that others have been where I have. It scares me. Bro. Merrill said that he has it on good authority (the good religion teachers are always visiting with the general authorities) that Sis. Beck said exactly what the brethren have been wanting to say for a while. Apparently, a few years ago, Pres. Hinckley gave a strong statement about women's roles. He received thousands of letters telling him to "mind your own business." So the brethren have been wary of how to approach the issue. Now Sis. Beck gets to. I love her. My like-minded friends and I resent those "enlightened" women who renounce motherhood, because all of us, for some substantial portion of our lives, have been duped by their "You can't tell me what to do and the prophet can't tell me what to do and you know what, God can't tell me what to do either. I won't be a shackled housewife." Thank goodness for changes of hearts. But for every one of us, there are probably hundreds who will never come back to a respect for and a happy anticipation of fulfilling the divine roles of women. Motherhood should be respected and exalted. Satan is doing a darn good job at attacking the family. It scares me how easily I was taken in, and for how long. I love this gospel and I love who I am in it.

"What on earth are you doing for heaven's sake?"
"I'm doing good."

Think about it.


Fedaykin said...

Does it scare you for their sakes that you were there and know what it is like? From what springs the fear? Sister Becks talk was good if you are 1.)a woman or 2.)truth deficient. I didn't take a word of notes during it. I guess I just didn't relate. (No ovaries, you know.) 'Twas a glorius conference though. I am determined to follow Elder Bednar and do what they say so I can get more.

Sonnet 43 said...

Then I am 1 and 2. If I had all truth perfectly, I wouldn't be kept from behind the veil, I wouldn't sin anymore, and I wouldn't be here.
The fear comes from how easily Satan can lead us astray, no matter how valiant we think we are, no matter how diligent we are in keeping other commandments. It's perfect obedience to ALL aspects of the gospel and honesty with ourselves, God, and our fellowmen that keeps us worthy of the companionship of the Spirit. Without that guidance, Satan sneaks up on us. It's a gently sloping path down to Hell . Hard to notice how far you've gone until you try to work your way back up.
Good to know you are all man with no ovaries. The football player in my mom's seminary class shared his insights from that talk as it applies to him as a future father.
I need to have an EFY style goal setting session with myself to apply everything I learned. Or else it's just nice talks and good feelings.

fulfillyment said...

This particular blog entry was heart stopping on many levels and I sooooo appreciated it! I am amazed people had the nerve to tell a prophet of the Lord to be quiet and mind his own business! Scary how similar our land can be to Sodom! How grateful I am to people like you and likeminded friends who stand for truth and righteousness at ALL times and in ALL things! I draw strength and hope on such people! One young man, a manly footbal player no less, shared in class how much he enjoyed Sister Beck's talk. I listened to him in awe as he explained while he had listened to her talk, he applied it to himself and the kind of father and husband he wants to be some day. I was so amazed at his ability to apply such a talk to himself and his insights. This, a high school senior still preparing for his mission! Truly, the noblest have been reserved for this time. Thank you for all you share and do for me, my dear Sonnet!

Sayyadina said...

Um, Sonnet. Your store of truth or lack thereof does not keep you from "beyond the veil." Desire for the responsibility of what full knowledge will require of you does. I know, because it's me too. If we had to know truth perfectly to get to the other side of the veil, then even those who die would not pass through it. In fact, I only know of one person who would qualify. I think you know who I mean. And someday soon, after you attend the temple, you'll know what I mean.

And please don't give Satan so much control, even in your mind and wording. you even quoted Elder Scott as saying "Nothing can destroy your growing righteous character, not even Satan.
Only disobedience can destroy your character."
You have more power to resist than Satan has power to tempt. You know that. Pshaw. If we are diligent in keeping the commandments and covenants, we will CHOOSE not to be led astray. The most powerful tool Satan has is half truth. Because the awesome part of you that is being righteous will latch on to the half truth merely because it doesn't know the WHOLE truth. Satan used the truth that WOMEN ARE GREAT. And twisted it to Women are greatER THAN WHAT THE ROLE OF MOTHERHOOD HAS TO OFFER. Half truth, entirely false.

Um, what is an EFY style goal setting. I think I'd like to get in on that action. Perhaps I could cook dinner or we could lazer tag and set goals!

Sonnet 43 said...

I mean being kept from behind the veil in a brother of Jared sense, right here and now.

Yes, it is so easy to give control to Satan just by thinking it or writing it! Thank you for your warning. I completely agree with everything you wrote. I'm not bemoaning a current state. I'm looking back on a situation with 20/20 hindsight and reminding myself to be careful. He's a malicious sneak. Yes, we are more powerful. So long as we are vigilant and obedient.

EFY goal setting! My every FHE for the summer. We (learned and) taught the steps to identifying, setting, and achieving goals. It's good stuff.

Sayyadina said...

We are talking about the same veil, and the same time frame. Just wait till you to to the temple. You'll see what I mean. It will blow your mind!

I'm so glad we met eachother, so we can post back and forth without all those pesky misunderstandings. You're awesome!

Sonnet 43 said...

I can't wait. Hopefully, it will be in the next month...ish. My bishop's being a little procrastinatorish. Yes, it's amazing how knowing someone colors their words with their personality. I enjoy your insights!