Monday, September 3, 2007

"I am a legend in my own mind."

Title courtesy of my bishop's wife.

I accidently transposed two letters in my blog address the other day and it brought up "The Mega site of Bible studies and information." The link may or may not work. I have a screenshot of the site if the link is bad:

School starts tomorrow. I thought I'd be over the first-day-of-elementary-school-oh-no-what-will-the-other-kids-think-of-me-where-will-I-sit-for-lunch-type nerves. I didn't have this problem last year. But I didn't live here all summer last year. The major change was moving into a new place and meeting new people. I am an old people this year and there is no pressure on that front. So my mind needs to focus on something else. That's dumb. Mind, you can take a break. Chillllll. School is happy.

I think I'm nervous for my weight training class. I don't want to be in there alone with a bunch of meathead jock stranger types (but this is beginning weight training, so I think the risk of that is minimal. Not that there's anything wrong with meathead jock types. I just don't want to be in a weight training class with them. Does that make me a fitness-ist? ...You know what, I have to make a confession. I don't know that I've ever met a "meathead." I've just heard the term and so I hijacked it for its aesthetic quality. What I'm trying to say is that I don't want to be in a class with people who are better than I am at something I've never done before. Heaven forbid I learn something from someone). Again, that's a pointless fear: I took jujitsu last year with a bunch of strangers (I was the second smallest...the smallest girl was Asian and a karate champion. What a great semester) and we had to get waaaaaay closer and awkward in that class than any weight training class could make us. And that class has been one of my best because I was able to grow so much. I pushed myself. I hate having to grow but I love the effects. Go figure.

Perhaps the nerves are because I'm resentful because I was liking my easy life of doing whatever I wanted. This is some sort of physiological rebellion. Natural woman in me. That's lazy. Sinful, too.

OH, NO! Someone, stop the sinner's onslaught of negativity!

I'm very excited about most of my classes (not physical science, with its expensive book that is painfully lacking in color am I supposed to stay awake and alert with black and whites? Nigh unto impossible...and back to positive--): I finished reading the Book of Mormon just in time for my Old Testament class. My teacher is a campus legend for his incredible lessons and killer tests. Those of us who reeeeally like him have to reign it in to avoid elevating him to priestcraft levels. A facebook group dedicated to him is the upper limit of non-priestcraft-admiration. Anyways, he requires the class to read the entire scriptural text in 2 weeks (this semester, that means the last half of the Old two weeks. Ready-made daily scripture study). And, of course, there's Brit lit 2 and Shakespeare. And some other stuff. And I need to go to bed, but adventure story.

I got a Provo City Library card on Saturday. That was so exciting. There were three styles to choose from: boring brown with an image of the library on it, a bright yellow one with a cartoon frog that said, "My Library Card" (the card said, not the frog), and a silver one with a purple dragon reading a book that said, "Imagination Passport." Guess which one I got!

Did you guess right? Seriously, who could pass up an IMAGINATION PASSPORT? It was hard to get a picture...because the card's so...shiny.

BREAKING NEWS. I have some Timp veterans in my ward and they and myriad others want to hike it again. Standby for further details. It'll be some Saturday this month, probably the 15 or 22. Which would be best?


Muad'Dib said...

no go for me there Killer Pop Tart. Work on and your school-type-weekend-off-peers have fun. don't die.

Sonnet 43 said...

I forget that Saturdays aren't universally sacred and guarded as play days. Sorry about that. We students have to get them before they turn into antisocial, locked up in the library all day days. Hopefully everyone will do their best to not die. Thank you.

Fedaykin said...

I really like your passport to imagination. You should put that sort of thing on your resume.