Monday, September 24, 2007

Enjambment staves off the sing-songy quality of rhymed and metered poetry

I purged on Saturday. Wrote some sonnets. And then I went and lived. I started temple prep lessons with the bishop yesterday. That was the happiest and lightest I’ve been in seemingly forever. Affirmations like that keep me going. Today is perfect: blue skies, no smog, and snow on the mountains. I’ve reconnected with my guys from winter. They bring joy to my inner tomboy. Life is beautiful. I love my ward. I just needed to stop pity-partying with myself and get involved with them. I’m actually giving of myself to them. No more corazón espinado. FHE was crazy fun and I love them. I realized I’ve been pouty, pining for a life that is not (ie, EFY-less campus, etc).
Screw that. Life is beautiful and I love it.
Expectations are preconceived resentments.
On, Teb. On.


Fedaykin said...

You are a rare person when you can say casually that you wrote some sonnets. Preconcieved notions are resentment. woah. Brain. shutting. down. In listening to the producer power hour on 630 AM yesterday, they were talking about how living in the moment is the only way to... uh, I forget, be happy or something. Basically, it was a sermon against anikenism. If you are constantly looking to the future or past, you can't be happy.

Sayyadina said...

Thank you for the Galaxy Quest moment. I needed a laugh!

Sonnet 43 said...

Yes, I am. But just cuz I wrote them doesn't mean they're good.